Fully automated card payments processing for your OTA and Website Bookings with full flexibility to support your payment rules. Fully PCI DSS Compliant.
Protect your Reputation & Increase your Revenue.
OTA Payments by AVQuest provides you with a all-in-one solution to handle all your payment processing requirements for all OTA and website bookings for your business and reduce your PCI Compliance Scope by 90%.
Cloud based with no installation, OTA Payments provides out-the-box support for all your payment processing requirements such as Secure Card Storage, Card Verify, Pre-Auth, Deposits, Payment Up-Front, Percentage Payments, Zero-Liability 3D-Secure Payments, Per-Transaction Risk Analysis to reduce fraud and charge-backs.
Available as a plugin for your PMS or Channel Manager for automatic updates, reducing manual data entry and allowing you to use your resources and time in a more cost effective manner. Powerful Reporting options available to give you visibility of your business.